姓 名: 陈花萍
职 称: 讲师、研究生导师
邮 箱: chenhp0107@163.com
学科专业: 概率论与数理统计
研究领域: 时间序列分析、统计计算、统计推断
(1) 2014-09 至 2019-12, 吉林大学, 概率论与数理统计, 博士
(2) 2010-09 至 2014-07, 北华大学, 数学与应用数学, 学士
2020-01 至 今, BEVITOR伟德APP官网, BEVITOR伟德, 讲师(校聘副教授)
[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 11871027, 高维整数值时间序列的建模、统计推断及应用研究,2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 53万元, 参与, 完成结项;
[2] 河南省自然科学基金, 青年项目, 22230420127,非平稳有界整数值时间序列数据的建模和分析,2022-01-01至2023-12-31,5万元,主持,完成结项;
[3] 河南省2021年度 博士后科研基金, 202103051,有界整数值时间序列的建模和分析, 5万元,主持,完成结项;
[1] Qi Li; Huaping Chen*; Fukang Zhu; Z-valued time series: models, properties and comparison, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2024, 230,106099.
[2] Huaping Chen*; Fukang Zhu; Xiufang Liu. Two-step conditional least squares estimation for the bivariate Z-valued INAR(1) model with bivariate Skellam innovations. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2024, 53(11), 4085-4106.
[3] Xiufang Liu; Wenzheng Yin; Wenkun Zhang; Huaping Chen; A mixed INAR(p) model with serially dependent innovation with application on some COVID-19 data, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2024, doi:10.1080/03610926.2023.2300305
[4] Huaping Chen*; Qi Li; Fukang Zhu. A covariate-driven beta-binomial integer-valued GARCH model for bounded counts with an application. Metrika, 2023, 86, 805-826.
[5] Huaping Chen*; Jiayue Zhang; Fukang Zhu. A trinomial difference autoregressive model and its applications. Stat, 2023, 12, e596.
[6] Huaping Chen*; Jiayue Zhang; Xiufang Liu. A Conway–Maxwell–Poisson-Binomial AR(1) model for bounded time series data. Entropy, 2023, 25, 126.
[7] Huaping Chen*. A new soft-clipping discrete beta GARCH model and its application in measles infection. Stats, 2023,6,293-311.
[8] Jiayue Zhang; Fukang Zhu; Huaping Chen. Two-threshold-variable integer-valued autoregressive model. Mathematics, 2023, 11, 3586.
[9] Huaping Chen; Qi Li; Fukang Zhu*; A new class of integer-valued GARCH models for time series of bounded counts with extra-binomial variation, AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 2022, 106(2), 243-270.
[10] Huaping Chen*; Fukang Zhu; Xiufang Liu. A new bivariate INAR(1) model with time-dependent innovation vectors, Stats, 2022, 5, 819-840.
[11] Huaping Chen; Qi Li; Fukang Zhu*; Binomial AR(1) processes with innovational outliers, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2021, 50, 446-472.
[12] Qi Li; Huaping Chen*; Xiufang Liu ; A new bivariate random coefficient INAR(1) model with applications, symmetry, 2021, 14, 39.
[13] Qi Li; Huaping Chen; Fukang Zhu* ; Robust estimation for Poisson integer-valued GARCH models using a new hybrid loss, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2021, 34,1578-1596.
[14] Huaping Chen; Qi Li; Fukang Zhu*; Two classes of dynamic binomial integer-valued ARCH models, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2020, 34, 685-711.