邮箱:wp0307(AT)126.com; wangpei(AT)henu.edu.cn
王沛,男,河南省特聘教授,BEVITOR伟德APP官网教授、博导。河南省优青、河南省高校科技创新人才、河南省高校青年骨干教师。出版Springer专著1部,在IEEE Trans. Cyber., IEEE TBioCAS, IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informat., IEEE/ACM TCBB, Inform. Sci., Nonlinear Dyn., BMC Plant Biol., iScience等上发表SCI/EI论文60余篇,被引1300余次; 主持国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目各1项; 主持获河南省科技进步奖三等奖1项、教育厅科技成果奖一等奖2项、开封市青年科技奖1项,IEEE电路与系统学会最佳应用论文奖、全国复杂网络会议最佳学生论文奖等。澳大利亚RMIT访问学者。基金委、科技部、教育部、留学基金委等项目的通讯评议专家,IEEE Senior Member,美国数学评论评论员,中国工业与应用数学会复杂网络与复杂系统专委会委员、数学生命科学专委会委员,中国指挥与控制学会网络科学与工程专委会委员,中国人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专委会委员,河南省运筹学会、应用统计学会、数字图形图像学会理事等。
[1] 2003-09至2007-06, BEVITOR伟德APP官网数学与信息科学学院, 学士
[2] 2007-09至2009-06, 武汉大学BEVITOR伟德, 硕士(推免)
[3] 2009-09至2012-06, 武汉大学BEVITOR伟德, 博士
[1] 2011-10至2012-01, 香港城市大学电子工程系, 访问研究助理,合作导师:陈关荣教授
[2] 2012-06至2017-12, BEVITOR伟德, 讲师、硕导
[3] 2013-08至2014-08, 澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学, 访问学者,合作导师:余星火教授
[4] 2018-08至今, BEVITOR伟德, 博导
[5] 2017-12至2022-03, BEVITOR伟德, 副教授
[6] 2022-03至今, BEVITOR伟德, 教授
[7] 2023-01至今, BEVITOR伟德, 河南省特聘教授
[1] 高维生物医学数据的建模与统计分析
[2] 多层网络理论及其生物应用
[3] 复杂网络构建、统计分析、复杂网络中的关键节点识别
[4] 生物网络的建模与动力学分析
[5] 混沌动力系统分析、混沌系统最终界估计
[1] Jinhu Lü, Pei Wang, Modeling and analysis of bio-molecular networks, Springer, Singapore, 2020.
[1] Sijia Yang; Shunjie Chen; Pei Wang*; Aimin Chen; Tianhai Tian; TSPLASSO: A two-stage prior LASSO algorithm for gene selection using omics data, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2023.3326485. (SCI 一区top, IF=7.7)
[2] Pei Wang*; Daojie Wang; Gene differential co-expression networks based on RNA-seq data: Construction and its applications, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2022, 19 (5): 2829-2841(SCI, IF=3.7)
[3] Yilin Bi; Pei Wang*; Exploring drought-responsive crucial genes in Sorghum, iScience, 2022, 25(11): 105347, 2022(SCI二区, IF=6.107)
[4] Shuang Xu; Pei Wang*; Chunxia Zhang; Jinhu Lü; Spectral learning algorithm reveals propagation capability of complex network, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019, 49(12): 4253-4261. (SCI一区top,IF=11.079)
[5] Pei Wang*; Daojie Wang; Jinhu Lü; Controllability analysis of a gene network for Arabidopsis thaliana reveals characteristics of functional gene families, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2019, 16(3): 912-924 (SCI小类二区, Google学术引用40次)
[6] Pei Wang*; Yao Chen; Jinhu Lü; Qingyun Wang; Xinghuo Yu; Graphical features of functional genes in Human protein interaction network, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2016, 10(3): 707-720(SCI二区)
[7] Pei Wang*; Jinhu Lü; Xinghuo Yu; Zengrong Liu; Duplication and divergence effect on network motifs in undirected bio-molecular networks, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2015, 9(3): 312-320(SCI二区)
[8] Pei Wang*; Jinhu Lü; Xinghuo Yu; Colored noise induced bistable switch in the genetic toggle switch systems, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2015, 12(3): 579-589
[9] Pei Wang*; Xinghuo Yu; Jinhu Lü; Identification and evolution of structurally dominant nodes in protein-protein interaction networks, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2014, 8(1): 87-97(SCI二区, Google学术引用70次)
[10] Pei Wang; Cuiling Yang; Hao Chen; Longhai Luo; Qiuli Leng; Shicong Li; Zujing Han; Xinchun Li; Chunpeng Song; Xiao Zhang; Daojie Wang*; Exploring transcription factors reveals crucial members and regulatory networks involved in different abiotic stresses in Brassica napus L., BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18(1): 202(SCI二区,Google学术引用57次)
[11] Shunjie Chen, Sijia Yang, Pei Wang*, Liugen Xue, Two-stage penalized algorithms via integrating prior information improve gene selection from omics data, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2023, 628: art.no. 129164. (SCI二区,IF=3.3)
[12] Pei Wang*; Statistical identification of important nodes in biological systems, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(4): 1454-1470
[13] Pei Wang*; Junan Lu; Yanyu Jin; Mengfan Zhu; Lingling Wang; Shunjie Chen; Statistical and network analysis of 1212 COVID-19 patients in Henan, China, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020, 95: 391-398. (SCI三区,Google学术引用73次)
[14] Pei Wang; Cuiling Yang; Hao Chen; Chunpeng Song; Xiao Zhang; Daojie Wang*; Transcriptomic basis for drought-resistance in Brassica napus L., Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 40532. (SCI三区, Google学术引用75次)
[15] Pei Wang*; Shuang Xu; Spectral coarse grained controllability of complex networks, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 478, 168-176
[16] Shuang Xu; Pei Wang*; Identifying important nodes by adaptive LeaderRank, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 469: 654-664. (SCI三区,Google学术引用63次)
[17] Pei Wang*; Yuhuan Zhang; Jinhu Lü; Xinghuo Yu; Functional characteristics of additional positive feedback in genetic circuits, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 79(1): 397-408 (SCI二区)
[18] Shuang Xu*; Chunxia Zhang; Pei Wang; Jiangshe Zhang; Variational Bayesian weighted complex network reconstruction, Information Sciences, 2020, 521: 291-306(SCI二区top)
[19] Shuang Xu; Pei Wang*; Chunxia Zhang; Identification of influential spreaders in bipartite networks: A singular value decomposition approach, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 513: 297-306
[20] Shuang Xu; Pei Wang*; Jinhu Lü; Iterative neighbour-information gathering for ranking nodes in complex networks, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 41321
[21] Suling Liu; Qiong Xu; Aimin Chen; Pei Wang*; Structural controllability of dynamic transcriptional regulatory networks for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2020, 537: 122772
[22] Pei Wang*; Network biology: Recent advances and challenges, Gene & Protein in Disease, 2022, 1(2): 101(邀请综述, 该杂志Most downloaded article, https://accscience.com/journal/GPD)
[23] Pei Wang*, Jinhu Lü, Xinghuo Yu, Identification of important nodes in directed biological networks: a network motif approach. PLoS One, 2014,9(8): art.no. e106132. (SCI,IF=3.534,Google学术引用>120次)
[24] Pei Wang*, Yuhuan Zhang, Shaolin Tan, Wan Li, Explicit ultimate bound sets of a new hyper-chaotic system and its application in estimating the Hausdorff dimension, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 74: 133-142. (SCI二区,IF=3.001)
[25] Pei Wang, Chen-geng Tian, Jun-an Lu*, Identifying influential spreaders in artificial complex networks, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2014, 27: 650-665.
[26] Shaolin Tan*, Shasha Feng, Pei Wang, Yao Chen, Strategy Selection in Evolutionary Game Dynamics on Group Interaction Networks, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2014, 76:2785–2805.
[27] 王沛, 吕金虎*, 基因调控网络的控制:机遇与挑战(英文题目:Control of Genetic Regulatory Networks:Opportunities and Challenges),自动化学报, 2013,39(12): 1969-1979.(约稿综述文章,EI检索)
[28] Pei Wang, Jinhu Lü*, Maciej J.Ogorzalek, Global relative parameter sensitivities of the feed-forward loops in genetic networks, Neurocomputing, 2012,78(1):155-165. (SCI, Google学术引用>95次;获得2011年全国复杂网络会议最佳论文奖;入选2002-2012年ESI高引用率论文, top-50 most cited article in Neurocomputing).
[29] Pei Wang, Damei Li, Xiaoqun Wu, Jinhu Lü*, Xinghuo Yu, Ultimate bound estimation of a class of high dimensional quadratic autonomous dynamical systems, International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 2011, 21(9):2679-2694. (SCI, Google学术引用>65次)
[30] Pei Wang*, Damei Li, Qianli Hu, Bounds of the hyper-chaotic Lorenz-Stenflo system, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation,2010,15(9):2514-2520. (SCI一区, Google学术引用>85次).
[31] Damei Li, Pei Wang*, Jun-an Lu, Some synchronization strategies for a four-scroll chaotic system, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009,42(4):2553-2559.
[32] Feifei Yi, Aosong Song, Kai Cheng, Jinlei Liu, Chenxiao Wang, Lili Shao, Shuang Wu, Ping Wang, Jiaxuan Zhu, Zhilin Liang, Ying Chang, Zongyan Chu, Chaowei Cai, Xuebin Zhang, Pei Wang, Aimin Chen, Jin Xu, David Burritt, Luis Herrera-Estrella, Lam-Son Tran, Weiqiang Li, and Yingfan Cai, Strigolactones positively regulate Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton via crosstalk with other hormones, Plant Physiology, 192: 945-966, 2023 (SCI一区top, IF=8.005)
[33] Zaiqing Wang; Cuiling Yang; Hao Chen; Pei Wang; Pengtao Wang, Chunpeng Song; Xiao Zhang; Daojie Wang*; Multi-gene co-expression can improve comprehensive resistance to multiple abiotic stresses in Brassica napus L., Plant Science, 2018, 274: 410-419. (SCI二区, IF=3.785, Google学术引用47次)
[34] Xiaohui Yang*; Xiaoying Jiang; Chenxi Tian; Pei Wang; Funa Zhou; Hamido Fujita; Inverse projection group sparse representation for tumor classification: A low rank variation dictionary approach, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 196: 105768. (SCI 二区top)
[35]Pei Wang*; Shunjie Chen; Sijia Yang; Recent advances on penalized regression models for biological data, Mathematics, 2022, 10(19): 3695.(SCI,邀请综述)
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:生物分子网络的统计构建与分析及其在油菜组学数据挖掘中的应用(61773153), 2018/1-2021/12,主持结题
[2] 国家自然科学青年基金: 几类典型基因调控网络的混合建模及动力学分析(61304151),2014.1-2016.12,主持结题
[3] 2020年度河南省自然科学基金-优秀青年科学基金项目,基于高维转录组数据的基因差异共表达网络构建及其应用(202300410045), 20201/1-2022/12,主持结题
[4] 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划,生物网络中的关键节点识别及其应用(20HASTIT025),2020/1-2021/12,主持结题
[5] 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划,基于自适应压缩感知的生物分⼦⽹络重构(2018GGJS021),2019/1-2021/12,主持结题
[6] 河南省高等学校重点科研项目,人类疾病网络的构建及结构可控性分析(17A120002), 2017/1-2018/12,主持结题
[7] 国家重大科技专项基金子课题: 冠状病毒传播,进化与预警模型研究(2014ZX10004-001-014),2014.1-2016.12,参与结项
[8] 2023年度BEVITOR伟德APP官网青年科研创新团队,HDP20230088,主持在研
[1] 中国工业与应用数学会复杂系统与复杂网络专委会委员
[2] 中国指挥与控制学会网络科学与工程专委会委员
[3] 中国工业与应用数学会数学生命科学专委会委员
[4] 中国人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专委会委员
[5] 美国数学评论评论员
[6] IEEE Senior Member
[7] 基金委、科技部、教育部、留学基金委等项目通讯评议专家
[8] 河南省应用统计学会理事、河南省运筹学会理事
[9] 数学季刊编辑部执行副主任
[10] 河南省工业互联网工程技术研究中心副主任
[11] Gene & Protein in Disease编委,Mathematics客座编辑
[1] 20190724-0726,澳大利亚墨尔本拉筹伯大学,RESEARCH SCHOOL ON STATISTICS AND DATA SCIENCE 2019,大会报告
[2] 20181012-15, 第十四届全国复杂网络会议, 重庆, 分组报告,重庆会展中心,西南大学承办
[3] 2017.10.12-15, 中国工业与应用数学学会第15届年会,青岛黄海饭店,分组报告
[4] 2015.08.10-14, The 8th international congress on industrial and applied mathematics, China national convention center, Beijing, China. Minisymposia Chair, Presentation.在2015年8月召开的第八届世界工业与应用数学大会(The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics)上组织召集微型研讨会
[5] 2014.10.24-26, IEEE International Conference on Systems Biology, Qingdao, Shandong, 分会报告
[6] 2014.06.01-05 , IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Melbourne, Australia Presentation,分组报告
[7] 2013.05.19-22, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, CNCC, Beijing, China, 分组报告
[8] 2012.10.12-14, 第八届全国复杂网络会议,东南大学, 分组报告
[9] 2021.7.25-28, 第40届中国控制会议, 上海,线下分组报告,2个分会场主持
[10] 20211022-27,中国数学会年会,云南昆明,线下分组报告
[11] 20211030-31,2021年全国复杂网络大会,北京,线上分组报告,分会场主持1场
[12] 2022年5月7-8日,第十八届中国网络科学论坛,中国工业与应用数学学会、西南财经大学,中国成都, 大会青年报告
[13] 20230618-20,中国人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专业委员会生物信息学与智能信息处理2023学术年会,专题报告
[14]20230922-24, 第三届全国系统生物学大会,山东泰安,分组报告
15]20231103-05, 全国复杂网络学术年会,广西桂林,分组报告
1. 科研获奖
[8] 王沛; 生物分子网络的建模与统计分析, 河南省人民政府, 河南省科技进步奖, 三等奖, 2017,编号2017-J-205-R01/04,省部级,主持。
[7] 王沛; 2019年开封市第十三届青年科技奖, 中共开封市委组织部、开封市人力资源和社会保障局、开封市科学技术协会, 开封市青年科技奖,2019
[6] 王沛; 若干典型生物分子网络的建模与分析,河南省教育厅科技成果奖一等奖,2016,厅级,主持;豫教[2016]01387
[5] 王沛; 生物分子网络的建模与统计分析,河南省教育厅科技成果奖一等奖,2017,厅级,主持;豫教〔2017〕3765号
[4] 2016-2023,主持获河南省教育厅科技成果奖-优秀科技论文奖一等奖12项,厅级
[3] Hybrid modeling of middle-sized genetic regulatory networks,2013年,2013 Best application paper award, IEEE International Symposum on Circuits and Systems, Neural network and application technique committee
[2] Identification of important notes in directed biological networks: A network motif approach, 2015年,河南省第三届自然科学优秀学术论文奖二等奖
[1] 王沛; Functional characteristics of additional positive feedback in genetic circuits,河南省人力资源和社会保障厅、河南省科学技术协会,河南省第三届自然科学优秀学术论文奖,三等奖, 2018
[9] 王沛(1/1); 2019年BEVITOR伟德APP官网青年五四奖, BEVITOR伟德APP官网,2020 .
王沛,男,河南省特聘教授,BEVITOR伟德APP官网教授、博导。河南省优青、河南省高校科技创新人才、河南省高校青年骨干教师。出版Springer专著1部,在IEEE Trans. Cyber., IEEE TBioCAS, IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informat., IEEE/ACM TCBB, Inform. Sci., Nonlinear Dyn., BMC Plant Biol., iScience等上发表SCI/EI论文60余篇,被引1300余次; 主持国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目各1项; 主持获河南省科技进步奖三等奖1项、教育厅科技成果奖一等奖2项、开封市青年科技奖1项,IEEE电路与系统学会最佳应用论文奖、全国复杂网络会议最佳学生论文奖等。澳大利亚RMIT访问学者。基金委、科技部、教育部、留学基金委等项目的通讯评议专家,IEEE Senior Member,美国数学评论评论员,中国工业与应用数学会复杂网络与复杂系统专委会委员、数学生命科学专委会委员,中国指挥与控制学会网络科学与工程专委会委员,中国人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专委会委员,河南省运筹学会、应用统计学会、数字图形图像学会理事等。
[1] 2003-09至2007-06, BEVITOR伟德APP官网数学与信息科学学院, 学士
[2] 2007-09至2009-06, 武汉大学BEVITOR伟德, 硕士(推免)
[3] 2009-09至2012-06, 武汉大学BEVITOR伟德, 博士
[1] 2011-10至2012-01, 香港城市大学电子工程系, 访问研究助理,合作导师:陈关荣教授
[2] 2012-06至2017-12, BEVITOR伟德, 讲师、硕导
[3] 2013-08至2014-08, 澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学, 访问学者,合作导师:余星火教授
[4] 2018-08至今, BEVITOR伟德, 博导
[5] 2017-12至2022-03, BEVITOR伟德, 副教授
[6] 2022-03至今, BEVITOR伟德, 教授
[7] 2023-01至今, BEVITOR伟德, 河南省特聘教授
[1] 高维生物医学数据的建模与统计分析
[2] 多层网络理论及其生物应用
[3] 复杂网络构建、统计分析、复杂网络中的关键节点识别
[4] 生物网络的建模与动力学分析
[5] 混沌动力系统分析、混沌系统最终界估计
[1] Jinhu Lü, Pei Wang, Modeling and analysis of bio-molecular networks, Springer, Singapore, 2020.
[1] Sijia Yang; Shunjie Chen; Pei Wang*; Aimin Chen; Tianhai Tian; TSPLASSO: A two-stage prior LASSO algorithm for gene selection using omics data, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/JBHI.2023.3326485. (SCI 一区top, IF=7.7)
[2] Pei Wang*; Daojie Wang; Gene differential co-expression networks based on RNA-seq data: Construction and its applications, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2022, 19 (5): 2829-2841(SCI, IF=3.7)
[3] Yilin Bi; Pei Wang*; Exploring drought-responsive crucial genes in Sorghum, iScience, 2022, 25(11): 105347, 2022(SCI二区, IF=6.107)
[4] Shuang Xu; Pei Wang*; Chunxia Zhang; Jinhu Lü; Spectral learning algorithm reveals propagation capability of complex network, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019, 49(12): 4253-4261. (SCI一区top,IF=11.079)
[5] Pei Wang*; Daojie Wang; Jinhu Lü; Controllability analysis of a gene network for Arabidopsis thaliana reveals characteristics of functional gene families, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2019, 16(3): 912-924 (SCI小类二区, Google学术引用40次)
[6] Pei Wang*; Yao Chen; Jinhu Lü; Qingyun Wang; Xinghuo Yu; Graphical features of functional genes in Human protein interaction network, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2016, 10(3): 707-720(SCI二区)
[7] Pei Wang*; Jinhu Lü; Xinghuo Yu; Zengrong Liu; Duplication and divergence effect on network motifs in undirected bio-molecular networks, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2015, 9(3): 312-320(SCI二区)
[8] Pei Wang*; Jinhu Lü; Xinghuo Yu; Colored noise induced bistable switch in the genetic toggle switch systems, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2015, 12(3): 579-589
[9] Pei Wang*; Xinghuo Yu; Jinhu Lü; Identification and evolution of structurally dominant nodes in protein-protein interaction networks, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 2014, 8(1): 87-97(SCI二区, Google学术引用70次)
[10] Pei Wang; Cuiling Yang; Hao Chen; Longhai Luo; Qiuli Leng; Shicong Li; Zujing Han; Xinchun Li; Chunpeng Song; Xiao Zhang; Daojie Wang*; Exploring transcription factors reveals crucial members and regulatory networks involved in different abiotic stresses in Brassica napus L., BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18(1): 202(SCI二区,Google学术引用57次)
[11] Shunjie Chen, Sijia Yang, Pei Wang*, Liugen Xue, Two-stage penalized algorithms via integrating prior information improve gene selection from omics data, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2023, 628: art.no. 129164. (SCI二区,IF=3.3)
[12] Pei Wang*; Statistical identification of important nodes in biological systems, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2021, 34(4): 1454-1470
[13] Pei Wang*; Junan Lu; Yanyu Jin; Mengfan Zhu; Lingling Wang; Shunjie Chen; Statistical and network analysis of 1212 COVID-19 patients in Henan, China, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020, 95: 391-398. (SCI三区,Google学术引用73次)
[14] Pei Wang; Cuiling Yang; Hao Chen; Chunpeng Song; Xiao Zhang; Daojie Wang*; Transcriptomic basis for drought-resistance in Brassica napus L., Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 40532. (SCI三区, Google学术引用75次)
[15] Pei Wang*; Shuang Xu; Spectral coarse grained controllability of complex networks, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 478, 168-176
[16] Shuang Xu; Pei Wang*; Identifying important nodes by adaptive LeaderRank, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 469: 654-664. (SCI三区,Google学术引用63次)
[17] Pei Wang*; Yuhuan Zhang; Jinhu Lü; Xinghuo Yu; Functional characteristics of additional positive feedback in genetic circuits, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 79(1): 397-408 (SCI二区)
[18] Shuang Xu*; Chunxia Zhang; Pei Wang; Jiangshe Zhang; Variational Bayesian weighted complex network reconstruction, Information Sciences, 2020, 521: 291-306(SCI二区top)
[19] Shuang Xu; Pei Wang*; Chunxia Zhang; Identification of influential spreaders in bipartite networks: A singular value decomposition approach, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 513: 297-306
[20] Shuang Xu; Pei Wang*; Jinhu Lü; Iterative neighbour-information gathering for ranking nodes in complex networks, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 41321
[21] Suling Liu; Qiong Xu; Aimin Chen; Pei Wang*; Structural controllability of dynamic transcriptional regulatory networks for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2020, 537: 122772
[22] Pei Wang*; Network biology: Recent advances and challenges, Gene & Protein in Disease, 2022, 1(2): 101(邀请综述, 该杂志Most downloaded article, https://accscience.com/journal/GPD)
[23] Pei Wang*, Jinhu Lü, Xinghuo Yu, Identification of important nodes in directed biological networks: a network motif approach. PLoS One, 2014,9(8): art.no. e106132. (SCI,IF=3.534,Google学术引用>120次)
[24] Pei Wang*, Yuhuan Zhang, Shaolin Tan, Wan Li, Explicit ultimate bound sets of a new hyper-chaotic system and its application in estimating the Hausdorff dimension, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 74: 133-142. (SCI二区,IF=3.001)
[25] Pei Wang, Chen-geng Tian, Jun-an Lu*, Identifying influential spreaders in artificial complex networks, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2014, 27: 650-665.
[26] Shaolin Tan*, Shasha Feng, Pei Wang, Yao Chen, Strategy Selection in Evolutionary Game Dynamics on Group Interaction Networks, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2014, 76:2785–2805.
[27] 王沛, 吕金虎*, 基因调控网络的控制:机遇与挑战(英文题目:Control of Genetic Regulatory Networks:Opportunities and Challenges),自动化学报, 2013,39(12): 1969-1979.(约稿综述文章,EI检索)
[28] Pei Wang, Jinhu Lü*, Maciej J.Ogorzalek, Global relative parameter sensitivities of the feed-forward loops in genetic networks, Neurocomputing, 2012,78(1):155-165. (SCI, Google学术引用>95次;获得2011年全国复杂网络会议最佳论文奖;入选2002-2012年ESI高引用率论文, top-50 most cited article in Neurocomputing).
[29] Pei Wang, Damei Li, Xiaoqun Wu, Jinhu Lü*, Xinghuo Yu, Ultimate bound estimation of a class of high dimensional quadratic autonomous dynamical systems, International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 2011, 21(9):2679-2694. (SCI, Google学术引用>65次)
[30] Pei Wang*, Damei Li, Qianli Hu, Bounds of the hyper-chaotic Lorenz-Stenflo system, Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation,2010,15(9):2514-2520. (SCI一区, Google学术引用>85次).
[31] Damei Li, Pei Wang*, Jun-an Lu, Some synchronization strategies for a four-scroll chaotic system, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2009,42(4):2553-2559.
[32] Feifei Yi, Aosong Song, Kai Cheng, Jinlei Liu, Chenxiao Wang, Lili Shao, Shuang Wu, Ping Wang, Jiaxuan Zhu, Zhilin Liang, Ying Chang, Zongyan Chu, Chaowei Cai, Xuebin Zhang, Pei Wang, Aimin Chen, Jin Xu, David Burritt, Luis Herrera-Estrella, Lam-Son Tran, Weiqiang Li, and Yingfan Cai, Strigolactones positively regulate Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton via crosstalk with other hormones, Plant Physiology, 192: 945-966, 2023 (SCI一区top, IF=8.005)
[33] Zaiqing Wang; Cuiling Yang; Hao Chen; Pei Wang; Pengtao Wang, Chunpeng Song; Xiao Zhang; Daojie Wang*; Multi-gene co-expression can improve comprehensive resistance to multiple abiotic stresses in Brassica napus L., Plant Science, 2018, 274: 410-419. (SCI二区, IF=3.785, Google学术引用47次)
[34] Xiaohui Yang*; Xiaoying Jiang; Chenxi Tian; Pei Wang; Funa Zhou; Hamido Fujita; Inverse projection group sparse representation for tumor classification: A low rank variation dictionary approach, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 196: 105768. (SCI 二区top)
[35]Pei Wang*; Shunjie Chen; Sijia Yang; Recent advances on penalized regression models for biological data, Mathematics, 2022, 10(19): 3695.(SCI,邀请综述)
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:生物分子网络的统计构建与分析及其在油菜组学数据挖掘中的应用(61773153), 2018/1-2021/12,主持结题
[2] 国家自然科学青年基金: 几类典型基因调控网络的混合建模及动力学分析(61304151),2014.1-2016.12,主持结题
[3] 2020年度河南省自然科学基金-优秀青年科学基金项目,基于高维转录组数据的基因差异共表达网络构建及其应用(202300410045), 20201/1-2022/12,主持结题
[4] 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划,生物网络中的关键节点识别及其应用(20HASTIT025),2020/1-2021/12,主持结题
[5] 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划,基于自适应压缩感知的生物分⼦⽹络重构(2018GGJS021),2019/1-2021/12,主持结题
[6] 河南省高等学校重点科研项目,人类疾病网络的构建及结构可控性分析(17A120002), 2017/1-2018/12,主持结题
[7] 国家重大科技专项基金子课题: 冠状病毒传播,进化与预警模型研究(2014ZX10004-001-014),2014.1-2016.12,参与结项
[8] 2023年度BEVITOR伟德APP官网青年科研创新团队,HDP20230088,主持在研
[1] 中国工业与应用数学会复杂系统与复杂网络专委会委员
[2] 中国指挥与控制学会网络科学与工程专委会委员
[3] 中国工业与应用数学会数学生命科学专委会委员
[4] 中国人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专委会委员
[5] 美国数学评论评论员
[6] IEEE Senior Member
[7] 基金委、科技部、教育部、留学基金委等项目通讯评议专家
[8] 河南省应用统计学会理事、河南省运筹学会理事
[9] 数学季刊编辑部执行副主任
[10] 河南省工业互联网工程技术研究中心副主任
[11] Gene & Protein in Disease编委,Mathematics客座编辑
[1] 20190724-0726,澳大利亚墨尔本拉筹伯大学,RESEARCH SCHOOL ON STATISTICS AND DATA SCIENCE 2019,大会报告
[2] 20181012-15, 第十四届全国复杂网络会议, 重庆, 分组报告,重庆会展中心,西南大学承办
[3] 2017.10.12-15, 中国工业与应用数学学会第15届年会,青岛黄海饭店,分组报告
[4] 2015.08.10-14, The 8th international congress on industrial and applied mathematics, China national convention center, Beijing, China. Minisymposia Chair, Presentation.在2015年8月召开的第八届世界工业与应用数学大会(The 8th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics)上组织召集微型研讨会
[5] 2014.10.24-26, IEEE International Conference on Systems Biology, Qingdao, Shandong, 分会报告
[6] 2014.06.01-05 , IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Melbourne, Australia Presentation,分组报告
[7] 2013.05.19-22, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, CNCC, Beijing, China, 分组报告
[8] 2012.10.12-14, 第八届全国复杂网络会议,东南大学, 分组报告
[9] 2021.7.25-28, 第40届中国控制会议, 上海,线下分组报告,2个分会场主持
[10] 20211022-27,中国数学会年会,云南昆明,线下分组报告
[11] 20211030-31,2021年全国复杂网络大会,北京,线上分组报告,分会场主持1场
[12] 2022年5月7-8日,第十八届中国网络科学论坛,中国工业与应用数学学会、西南财经大学,中国成都, 大会青年报告
[13] 20230618-20,中国人工智能学会生物信息学与人工生命专业委员会生物信息学与智能信息处理2023学术年会,专题报告
[14]20230922-24, 第三届全国系统生物学大会,山东泰安,分组报告
15]20231103-05, 全国复杂网络学术年会,广西桂林,分组报告
1. 科研获奖
[8] 王沛; 生物分子网络的建模与统计分析, 河南省人民政府, 河南省科技进步奖, 三等奖, 2017,编号2017-J-205-R01/04,省部级,主持。
[7] 王沛; 2019年开封市第十三届青年科技奖, 中共开封市委组织部、开封市人力资源和社会保障局、开封市科学技术协会, 开封市青年科技奖,2019
[6] 王沛; 若干典型生物分子网络的建模与分析,河南省教育厅科技成果奖一等奖,2016,厅级,主持;豫教[2016]01387
[5] 王沛; 生物分子网络的建模与统计分析,河南省教育厅科技成果奖一等奖,2017,厅级,主持;豫教〔2017〕3765号
[4] 2016-2023,主持获河南省教育厅科技成果奖-优秀科技论文奖一等奖12项,厅级
[3] Hybrid modeling of middle-sized genetic regulatory networks,2013年,2013 Best application paper award, IEEE International Symposum on Circuits and Systems, Neural network and application technique committee
[2] Identification of important notes in directed biological networks: A network motif approach, 2015年,河南省第三届自然科学优秀学术论文奖二等奖
[1] 王沛; Functional characteristics of additional positive feedback in genetic circuits,河南省人力资源和社会保障厅、河南省科学技术协会,河南省第三届自然科学优秀学术论文奖,三等奖, 2018
[9] 王沛(1/1); 2019年BEVITOR伟德APP官网青年五四奖, BEVITOR伟德APP官网,2020 .