姓名:Sven Bjarke Gudnason(比亚科)
ORCID: 0000-0001-9255-5940
INSPIRE: S.B.Gudnason.1
博导:Kenichi Konishi教授;毕业论文题目: "New vortex types and soliton substructures."
硕导:Francesco Sannino教授;毕业论文题目:"Beyond standard model physics: new technicolor models."
2001年1月-2004年6月:学士学位(bach.polyt.), 应用物理,丹麦科技大学
导师: Andy Horsewell教授和Kjetil Gjerde.;毕业论文题目: "Investigation of Electrical properties of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
using TEM."
意大利INFN国家研究补助金PI14 (比萨14), 项目名称: "Nonperturbative Dynamics in
Gauge Theories and in String Theory", 2007年-2013年, 主持者:Kenichi Konishi教授
2013年-2015年: 北欧理论物理研究所的奖学金
2013年-2014年: 日本科学促进会(JSPS) 奖学金
2011年-2012年: 以色列戈尔达迈尔博士后奖学金
2010年-2011年: 以色列戈尔达迈尔博士后奖学金
2018年引进Christopher James Halcrow (剑桥导师: Nicholas Manton教授)在中国科学院近代物理研究所做博士后
Teaching a course "Science and the Environment", subtitle: "Statistics applied to physics,
life and the environment" at Keio University, Japan, spring semester 2019.
Teaching a summer-school course in quantum field theory and the Higgs mechanism (4
weeks, 2 summer students) at the Institute of Modern Physics, August 2015.
Teaching Assistant in classical mechanics at Technical University of Denmark (Denmarks
Tekniske Universitet), autumn semester 2002.
u JHEPu Phys.Rev.Lettu Phys.Rev.Researchu Phys.Rev.Au Phys.Rev.Du Phys.Rev.Eu Phys.Lett.Bu Nucl.Phys.Bu Lett.Math.Physu J.Phys.Au J.Phys.Gu J.Math.Fund.Sciu Int.J.Mod.Phys.Au Int.J.Mod.Phys.Eu Eur.Phys.J.Cu Annales Henri Poincarfeu Phys.Scripta
u Organizer of Skyrme2017 workshop (4 participants), 3 weeks workshop on nuclear pasta in the Skyrme model and magnetic Skyrmions, at the Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou 2017.
u Organizer of the theory journal club at the Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou 2015 - 2018.
u Organizer of Skyrme2015 conference (50+ participants) at the Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou 2015.
u Co-organizer of the 29th Nordic Network Meeting on \Strings, Fields and Branes," (40+ participants) at Nordita, November 2013.
u Co-organizing seminars in the HEP group of Nordita, 2013-2014.
u Organizer of the physics seminars in the group meeting of the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University, 2012-2013.
u Co-organizer and on the scientific committee of the 29th Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics, Current Trends in Particle Physics and Cosmology, 27th December,2011 ;5th January, 2012
Danish native (母语:丹麦语)
English professional proficiency(英语精通)
Italian working proficiency (意大利语流畅)
German basic(德语熟练)
Hebrew very basic(希伯来语一般)
Swedish basic (瑞典语熟练)
Chinese basic (1000 characters)(正在学习汉语…….)
Programming languages: C++/C, CUDA C/C++, OpenCL, Java, FORTRAN90, Visual
Basic, SQL; scripting languages: sh/bash/yash, AWK/GAWK, Perl, PHP, ASP,
Javascript; mark-up languages: HTML, XHTML/CSS, XML.
Parallel programming: CUDA C/C++, OpenMP for C++, MPI in C++, Mathematica:
ParallelDo, ParallelTable etc., MATLAB: parfeval, parfor, etc.
Computational packages: Mathematica, MATLAB, Maple, Octave, SAGE, SOFTSUSY,
Spheno, Feynhiggs, SUSY-HIT.
Versioning/revision control software: SVN and CVS.
Finite di_erence methods for ODEs and PDEs: Runge-Kutta, (Nonlinear) conjugate
gradients, Newton-Raphson, Crank-Nicolson, gradient ow, Newton ow, etc.
LaTeX, Gnuplot and postscript.
Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Slackware, Gentoo, SUSE, CentOS, RedHat etc.) and Unix
(Solaris, FreeBSD).
[1] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta,
Linking number of vortices as baryon number,Phys. Rev. D101, no.6, 065011 (2020) [arXiv:2002.01762 [hep-th]].
[2] C. Chatterjee,S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta,Chemical bonds of two vortex species with a generalized Josephson term and arbitrary
charges,JHEP 04, 109 (2020) [arXiv:1912.02685 [hep-th]].
[3] L. Bartolini, S. Bolognesi* and S. B. Gudnason,Deuteron electric dipole moment from holographic QCD,Phys. Rev. D 101, no.8, 086009 (2020) [arXiv:1912.01641 [hep-th]].
[4] S. Bolognesi, S. B. Gudnason, K. Konishi* and K. Ohashi,
Large-N CPN��1 sigma model on a Euclidean torus: uniqueness and stability of the vacuum, JHEP 1912, 044 (2019) [arXiv:1905.10555 [hep-th]].
[5] S. B. Gudnason, M. Nitta, S. Sasaki and R. Yokokura*, Supersymmetry Breaking and Ghost Goldstino in Modulated Vacua,Phys. Rev. D 99, 045012 (2019) arXiv:1812.09078 [hep-th].
[6] S. B. Gudnason and C. Halcrow*,Vibrational modes of Skyrmions, Phys. Rev. D 98, 125010 (2018) [arXiv:1811.00562 [hep-th]].
[7] S. B. Gudnason, M. Nitta, S. Sasaki* and R. Yokokura,Temporally, Spatially or Light-like Modulated Vacua in Lorentz Invariant Theories, Phys. Rev. D 99, 045011 (2019) arXiv:1810.11361 [hep-th].
[8] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta, Baryonic handles: Skyrmions as open vortex strings on a domain wall, Phys. Rev. D 98, 125002 (2018) [arXiv:1809.01025 [hep-th]].
[9] S. B. Gudnason*, Exploring the generalized loosely bound Skyrme model, Phys. Rev. D 98, 096018 (2018) [arXiv:1805.10898 [hep-ph]].
[10] Z. Gao, S. B. Gudnason and Y. Yang*, Integer-Squared Laws for Global Vortices in the Born{Infeld Wave Equations, Annals Phys. 400, 303 (2019) [arXiv:1805.02315 [hep-th]].
[11] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta, Higher-order Skyrme hair of black holes, JHEP 1805, 071 (2018) [arXiv:1803.10786 [hep-th]].
[12] S. Bolognesi, S. B. Gudnason, K. Konishi* and K. Ohashi, Large-N CPN1 sigma model on a _nite interval: general Dirichlet boundary conditions,
JHEP 1806, 064 (2018) [arXiv:1802.08543 [hep-th]].
[13] S. B. Gudnason and C. Halcrow*, The B = 5 Skyrmion as a two-cluster system, Phys. Rev. D 97, 125004 (2018) [arXiv:1802.04011 [hep-th]].
[14] S. B. Gudnason*, Z. Gao and Y. Yang, Boundary charges and integral identities for solitons in (d + 1)-dimensional field theories, Nucl. Phys. B925, 500 (2017) [arXiv:1710.03045 [hep-th]].
[15] A. Betti, S. Bolognesi, S. B. Gudnason*, K. Konishi and K. Ohashi, Large-N CP(N-1) sigma model on a _nite interval and the renormalized string energy,
JHEP 1801, 106 (2018) [arXiv:1708.08805 [hep-th]].
[16] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta, A higher-order Skyrme model, JHEP 1709, 028 (2017) [arXiv:1705.03438 [hep-th]].
[17] S. Baldino, S. Bolognesi*, S. B. Gudnason and D. Koksal, A Solitonic Approach to Holographic Nuclear Physics, Phys. Rev. D 96, 034008 (2017) [arXiv:1703.08695 [hep-th]].
[18] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta, Some exact Bradlow vortex solutions, JHEP 1705, 039 (2017) [arXiv:1701.04356 [hep-th]].
[19] S. B. Gudnason*, B. Zhang and N. Ma, Generalized Skyrme model with the loosely bound potential, Phys. Rev. D 94, 125004 (2016) [arXiv:1609.01591 [hep-ph]].
[20] S. B. Gudnason*, M. Nitta and S. Sasaki,Topological solitons in the supersymmetric Skyrme model, JHEP 1701, 014 (2017) [arXiv:1608.03526 [hep-th]].
[21] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta,Modifying the pion mass in the loosely bound Skyrme model,Phys. Rev. D 94, 065018 (2016) [arXiv:1606.02981 [hep-ph]].
[22] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta,Skyrmions con_ned as beads on a vortex ring, Phys. Rev. D 94, 025008 (2016) [arXiv:1606.00336 [hep-th]].
[23] S. B. Gudnason*, M. Nitta and N. Sawado,Black hole Skyrmion in a generalized Skyrme model, JHEP 1609, 055 (2016) [arXiv:1605.07954 [hep-th]].
[24] S. B. Gudnason*, M. Nitta and S. Sasaki, BPS pion domain walls in the supersymmetric chiral Lagrangian, Phys. Rev. D 94, 025003 (2016) [arXiv:1602.02520 [hep-th]].
[25] S. B. Gudnason*, Loosening up the Skyrme model, Phys. Rev. D 93, 065048 (2016) [arXiv:1601.05024 [hep-th]].
[26] S. B. Gudnason*, M. Nitta and S. Sasaki, A supersymmetric Skyrme model, JHEP 1602, 074 (2016) [arXiv:1512.07557 [hep-th]].
[27] S. B. Gudnason*, M. Nitta and N. Sawado, Gravitating BPS Skyrmions, JHEP 1512, 013 (2015) [arXiv:1510.08735 [hep-th]].
[28] S. B. Gudnason* and J. Evslin,Global monopoles of charge 2, Phys. Rev. D 92, 045044 (2015) [arXiv:1507.03400 [hep-th]].
[29] A. Gorsky, S. B. Gudnason and A. Krikun*,Baryon and chiral symmetry breaking in holographic QCD,Phys. Rev. D 91, 126008 (2015) [arXiv:1503.04820 [hep-th]].
[30] S. B. Gudnason*and M. Nitta,Fractional Skyrmions and their molecules,Phys. Rev. D 91, 085040 (2015) [arXiv:1502.06596 [hep-th]].
[31] S. B. Gudnason*and M. Nitta,D-brane solitons in various dimensions,Phys. Rev. D 91, 045018 (2015) [arXiv:1412.6995 [hep-th]].
[32] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta,Baryonic torii: Toroidal baryons in a generalized Skyrme model,Phys. Rev. D 91, 045027 (2015) [arXiv:1410.8407 [hep-th]].
[33] S. Bolognesi, C. Chatterjee, S. B. Gudnason and K. Konishi*,Vortex Zero Modes, Large Flux Limit and Ambj_rn-Nielsen-Olesen Magnetic Instabilities,JHEP 1410, 101 (2014) [arXiv:1408.1572 [hep-th]].
[34] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta,Incarnations of Skyrmions,Phys. Rev. D 90, 085007 (2014) [arXiv:1407.7210 [hep-th]].
[35] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta,Efective field theories on solitons of generic shapes,Phys. Lett. B 747, 173 (2015) [arXiv:1407.2822 [hep-th]].
[36] A. Balatsky, S. B. Gudnason*, Y. Kedem, A. Krikun, L. Thorlacius and K. Zarembo,Classical and quantum temperature uctuations via holography,JHEP 1501, 011 (2015) [arXiv:1405.4829 [hep-th]].
[37] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta,Domain wall Skyrmions,Phys. Rev. D 89, 085022 (2014) [arXiv:1403.1245 [hep-th]].
[38] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta,Baryonic sphere: a spherical domain wall carrying baryon number,Phys. Rev. D 89, 025012 (2014) [arXiv:1311.4454 [hep-th]].
[39] R. Auzzi*, S. Elitzur, S. B. Gudnason and E. Rabinovici, On periodically driven AdS/CFT, JHEP 1311, 016 (2013) [arXiv:1308.2132 [hep-th]].
[40] L. Eliaz, A. Giveon, S. B. Gudnason* and E. Tsuk, Mild-split SUSY with avor,
JHEP 1310, 136 (2013) [arXiv:1306.2956 [hep-ph]].
[41] M. Eto and S. B. Gudnason*,Knotted domain strings, Phys. Lett. B 727, 260 (2013) [arXiv:1212.0702 [hep-th]]
[42] R. Auzzi, A. Giveon, S. B. Gudnason* and T. Shacham, A Light Stop with Flavor in Natural SUSY, JHEP 1301, 169 (2013) [arXiv:1208.6263 [hep-ph]].
[43] R. Auzzi, S. Elitzur, S. B. Gudnason* and E. Rabinovici, Time-dependent stabilization in AdS/CFT, JHEP 1208, 035 (2012) [arXiv:1206.2902 [hep-th]].
[44] R. Auzzi, A. Giveon and S. B. Gudnason*, Flavor of quiver-like realizations of efective supersymmetry, JHEP 1202, 069 (2012) [arXiv:1112.6261 [hep-ph]].
[45] J. Evslin and S. B. Gudnason*,High Q BPS Monopole Bags are Urchins,Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 29, 1450004 (2014) arXiv:1111.3891 [hep-th].
[46] R. Auzzi, A. Giveon and S. B. Gudnason*, Mediation of Supersymmetry Breaking in Quivers, JHEP 1112, 016 (2011) [arXiv:1110.1453 [hep-ph]].
[47] M. Eto, T. Fujimori, S. B. Gudnason, Y. Jiang, K. Konishi*, M. Nitta and K. Ohashi,Vortices and Monopoles in Mass-deformed SO and USp Gauge Theories, JHEP 1112, 017 (2011) [arXiv:1108.6124 [hep-th]].
[48] R. Auzzi*, A. Giveon, S. B. Gudnason, T. Shacham, On the Spectrum of Direct Gaugino Mediation, JHEP 1109, 108 (2011) [arXiv:1107.1414 [hep-ph]].
[49] M. Cipriani, D. Dorigoni, S. B. Gudnason*, K. Konishi, A. Michelini, Non-Abelian monopole-vortex complex, Phys. Rev. D84, 045024 (2011) [arXiv:1106.4214 [hep-th]].
[50] M. Eto, S. B. Gudnason*, Zero-modes of Non-Abelian Solitons in Three Dimensional Gauge Theories, J. Phys. A A44, 095401 (2011) [arXiv:1009.5429 [hep-th]].
[51] M. Eto, T. Fujimori, S. B. Gudnason Y. Jiang, K. Konishi*, M. Nitta and K. Ohashi,Group Theory of Non-Abelian Vortices,JHEP 1011, 042 (2010) [arXiv:1009.4794 [hep-th]].
[52] S. B. Gudnason*, Y. Jiang and K. Konishi,Non-Abelian vortex dynamics: Efective world-sheet action, JHEP 1008, 012 (2010) [arXiv:1007.2116 [hep-th]].
[53] S. B. Gudnason*,Fractional and semi-local non-Abelian Chern-Simons vortices,
Nucl. Phys. B 840, 160-185 (2010) [arXiv:1005.0557 [hep-th]].
[54] S. B. Gudnason* and K. Konishi,Low-energy U(1) _ USp(2M) gauge theory from simple high-energy gauge group,Phys. Rev. D 81, 105007 (2010) [arXiv:1002.0850 [hep-th]].
[55] S. B. Gudnason*,Non-Abelian Chern-Simons vortices with generic gauge groups, Nucl. Phys. B 821, 151 (2009) [arXiv:0906.0021 [hep-th]].
[56] M. Eto, T. Fujimori, S. B. Gudnason*, K. Konishi, T. Nagashima, M. Nitta,
K. Ohashi, W. Vinci,Fractional Vortices and Lumps, Phys. Rev. D 80, 045018 (2009) [arXiv:0905.3540 [hep-th]].
[57] M. Eto, T. Fujimori, S. B. Gudnason, K. Konishi*, T. Nagashima, M. Nitta,
K. Ohashi, W. Vinci,Non-Abelian Vortices in SO(N) and USp(N) Gauge Theories,
JHEP 0906, 004 (2009) [arXiv:0903.4471 [hep-th]].
[58] R. Auzzi, M. Eto, S. B. Gudnason*, K. Konishi and W. Vinci,On the Stability of Non-Abelian Semi-local Vortices,Nucl. Phys. B 813, 484 (2009) [arXiv:0810.5679 [hep-th]].
[59] M. Eto, T. Fujimori, S. B. Gudnason*, M. Nitta and K. Ohashi, SO and USp Kahler and Hyper-Kahler Quotients and Lumps, Nucl. Phys. B 815, 495 (2009) [arXiv:0809.2014 [hep-th]].
[60] M. Eto, T. Fujimori, S. B. Gudnason, K. Konishiy, M. Nitta, K. Ohashi and
W. Vinci,Constructing Non-Abelian Vortices with Arbitrary Gauge Groups, Phys. Lett. B 669, 98 (2008) [arXiv:0802.1020 [hep-th]].
[61] S. Bolognesi and S. B. Gudnason*,A Note on Chern-Simons Solitons - a type III vortex from the wall vortex,Nucl. Phys. B 805, 104 (2008) [arXiv:0711.3803 [hep-th]].
[62] L. Ferretti, S. B. Gudnason and K. Konishi*,Non-Abelian vortices and monopoles in SO(N) theories,Nucl. Phys. B 789, 84 (2008) [arXiv:0706.3854 [hep-th]].
[63] K. M flhave*, S. B. Gudnason, A. T. Pedersen, C. H. Clausen, A. Horsewell and
P. Bfggild,Electron irradiation-induced destruction of carbon nanotubes in electron microscopes,Ultramicroscopy 108, 1, 52 (2007).
[64] S. B. Gudnason, T. A. Ryttov and F. Sannino*,Gauge coupling uni_cation via a novel technicolor model,Phys. Rev. D 76, 015005 (2007) [arXiv:hep-ph/0612230].
[65] S. B. Gudnason, C. Kouvaris and F. Sannino*,Dark matter from new technicolor theories,Phys. Rev. D 74, 095008 (2006) [arXiv:hep-ph/0608055].
[66] K. M_lhave*, S. B. Gudnason, A. T. Pedersen, C. H. Clausen, A. Horsewell and
P. B_ggild,Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Individual Carbon Nanotube Breakdown Caused by Joule Heating in Air,Nano. Lett. 6 (8), 1663 (2006).
[67] S. Bolognesi* and S. B. Gudnason,Soliton junctions in the large magnetic ux limit,Nucl. Phys. B 754, 293 (2006) [arXiv:hep-th/0606065].
[68] S. B. Gudnason, C. Kouvaris and F. Sannino*,Towards working technicolor: Efective theories and dark matter,Phys. Rev. D 73, 115003 (2006) [arXiv:hep-ph/0603014].
[69] S. Bolognesi* and S. B. Gudnason,Multi-vortices are wall vortices: A numerical proof,Nucl. Phys. B 741, 1 (2006) [arXiv:hep-th/0512132].
* 为通讯作者
[70] S. B. Gudnason* and M. Nitta,
Linked vortices as baryons in the miscible BEC-Skyrme model,
arXiv:2006.04067 [hep-th].
[71] S. B. Gudnason*, M. Barsanti and S. Bolognesi,
Near-BPS baby Skyrmions,
arXiv:2006.01726 [hep-th].
[72] S. B. Gudnason* and J. M. Speight,
Realistic classical binding energies in the ω-Skyrme model,
arXiv:2004.12862 [hep-th].
[73] J. Evslin*and S. B. Gudnason,
Dwarf Galaxy Sized Monopoles as Dark Matter,
arXiv:1202.0560 [astro-ph.CO].
[74] M. Eto, T. Fujimori*, S. B. Gudnason, K. Konishi, M. Nitta, K. Ohashi and
W. Vinci,
Constructing non-Abelian vortices with arbitrary gauge groups,
AIP Conf. Proc. 1078, 483 (2009).
[75] S. B. Gudnason*,
SO and USp (Hyper)Kahler Quotients and Lumps,
Contribution to Conference Proceeding of Continuous Advances in QCD: 8th Workshop,
CAQCD-08, Minneapolis, USA (2008) C08-05-15, p.329-340 [arXiv:0810.4900
[76] E. Accomandoy et al.,
Workshop on CP studies and non-standard Higgs physics,
http://inspirehep.net/search?ln=en&p=_nd+a+gudnason&of=hb&action search=
发表论文总引用次数 Total number of citations (published only): 1424次
平均引用次数 Average number of citations (published only): 21.3次
h-index (published only): 21次
Ø July 2019: "Boundary charges for solitons, Vortex equations in an N = 2 U(1)N model, Vibrational spectra of solitons, and The mass gap problem of Yang-Mills theory," at Henan University, China.
Ø November 2018: "Binding energies and nuclear clusters in the Skyrme model," at University of Pisa, Italy.
Ø October 2018: "Binding energies and nuclear clusters in the Skyrme model," at Yamagata University, Japan.
Ø August 2018: "Nonperturbative Physics, Solitons, Quantization and Holography,"at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Ø July 2018: "Solitons, Gravity, Gravitating Solitons and Holography," at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan.
Ø March 2018: "Large-N CP(N-1) strings with a _nite length," at Keio University, Hiyoshi, Yokohama, Japan.
Ø June 2017: "Some exact Bradlow vortex solutions," at Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
Ø February 2017: "Some exact Bradlow vortex solutions," at Keio University, Hiyoshi, Yokohama, Japan.
Ø November 2016: "Black holes with Skyrme-type hair," at University of Pisa, Italy.
Ø June 2016: "Strongly coupled gauge theories, nonlinear sigma models and supersymmetrization," at CP3, Center for particle physics phenomenology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
Ø November 2015: "Solitons and mathematical physics" at Henan University, Kaifeng, China.
Ø November 2014: "Vortex zero modes, large ux limit and Ambj_rn-Nielsen-Olesen magnetic instabilities," at Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan.
Ø November 2014: "Vortex zero modes, large ux limit and Ambj_rn-Nielsen-Olesen magnetic instabilities," at Yamagata University, Japan.
Ø November 2014: "Skyrmions, domain walls and e_ective theories," at Nagoya University, Japan.
Ø July 2014: "Skyrmions, baryons and domain walls," at Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan.
Ø July 2014: "Skyrmions, baryons and domain walls," at Keio University, Hiyoshi, Yokohama, Japan.
Ø May 2014: "Skyrmions, baryons and domain walls," at University of Pisa, Italy.
Ø December 2013: "Skyrmions, baryons, domain walls and the like," at Nordita, Sweden.
Ø August 2013: "Dark matter as dwarf galaxy sized monopoles," at Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou, China.
Ø April 2013: "Flavor of quiver-like models for SUSY-breaking," at IHEP, Beijing, China.
Ø April 2013: "Vortices and monopole con_nement in supersymmetric theories," at Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, China.
Ø March 2013: "Non-Abelian vortices, their moduli spaces and con_nement," at IHEP, Beijing, China.
Ø October 2012: "A quiver-like model realizing Natural SUSY," at Keio University, Hiyoshi, Yokohama, Japan.
Ø October 2012: "High Q monopoles and dwarf galaxy sized solitonic dark matter," at RIKEN Laboratory, Wako, Japan.
Ø October 2012: "A whole lot of (Abelian) monopoles," at Yamagata University, Japan.
Ø June 2012: "Time-dependent stabilization in AdS/CFT," at The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
Ø December 2011: "Monopoles, dwarfs and dark matter," at Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Ø May 2010: "Non-Abelian vortices and Chern-Simons theories," at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Ø October 2008: "SO and USp Kahler and hyperKahler quotients and lumps," at Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU), Kashiwa, Japan.
Ø September 2008: "SO and USp Kahler and hyper-Kahler quotients and lumps," at Tokyo Institute of Technology (TiTech), Ookayama, Japan.
Ø February 2008: "A type III vortex from the wall vortex in Abelian Chern-Simons theory," at University of Pisa, Italy.
Ø February 2007: "New technicolor models," at Swansea University, Wales, UK.
Ø June 2006: "Technicolor models in higher dimensional representations," at Universit
Ø e Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
Ø March 2019: "Vortices in N = 2 U(1)N gauge theories with M hypermultiplets," at The Physical Society of Japan's 74th meeting at Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Ø September 2018: "Nuclear clusters and binding energies in the Skyrme model," at the 1st APCTP-TRIUMF Joint Workshop \Understanding Nuclei from Di_erent Theoretical Approaches," at Pohang, South Korea.
Ø July 2018: "Classical and quantum binding energies of Skyrmions" and "The Skyrme EFT" at "Low Energy E_ective Dynamics of Skyrmions" at University of Leeds, UK.
Ø June 2018: "Black hole Skyrme hair: what makes it stable?" at "Solitons, Integrability and geometry VI," at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Ø June 2018: "Classical and quantum binding energies of Skyrmions in generalized Skyrme models: how large are the quantum corrections?" at "Solitons, Integrability and geometry VI," at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Ø June 2018: "Boundary charges for solitons," at "Solitons, Integrability and geometry VI," at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Ø July 2017: "Some exact Bradlow vortex solutions," at "Topological Solitons, Nonperturbative Gauge Dynamics and Con_nement" (in the honor of Konishi's 70th birthday and retirement) at University of Pisa, Italy.
Ø June 2017: "A higher-order Skyrme model," at "Solitons, Integrability and geometry VI," at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Ø June 2016: "Skyrmions with low binding energies and gravitating Skyrmions," at "Solitons, Integrability and geometry V," at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Ø December 2014: "Understanding the anatomy of the Skyrmion and recent developments," at Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou, China.
Ø May 2014: "Skyrmions and domain walls" at "Solitons, Integrability and geometry II," at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Ø April 2013: "Abelian monopoles at high Q," at the Second International Conference on QCD and Hadron Physics, Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou, China.
Ø December 2012: "Natural SUSY in gauge mediation," at the IPS (Israel Physical Society) annual conference, Jerusalem, Israel.
Ø February 2012: "Dwarf Galaxy Sized Monopoles as Dark Matter?," at Bangkok mini-workshop on String Cosmology 2012, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
Ø June 2010: "Non-Abelian vortices and lumps, their moduli spaces and substructures," at Theories of fundamental interactions TFI 2010, (INFN meeting), University of Perugia, Italy.
Ø May 2010: "Non-Abelian vortices, fractionality, Chern-Simons and zero-modes," at Convegno informale di Fisica Teorica 2010, Cortona, Italy.
Ø June 2009: "Non-Abelian Vortices with SO(N) and USp(N) gauge groups," at Convegno di Fisica Teorica 2009, Sestri Levante, Italy.
Ø April 2009: "Non-Abelian solitons: vortices, monopoles and lumps." at Problemi Attuali di Fisica Teorica - Campi, gravit_a e stringhe, Vietri sul Mare, Italy.
Ø June 2008: "HyperKahler quotients and Lumps for SO=USp gauge theories." at XXX Congresso di Fisica Teorica 2008, Sestri Levante, Italy.
Ø May 2008: "HyperKahler quotients and Lumps for SO=USp gauge theories." at Continuous Advances in QCD 2008 (CAQCD08), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA.
Ø May 2007: "Abelian vortices and junctions in the large magnetic ux limit," at XXIX Congresso di Fisica Teorica, Cortona 2007, Italy.
Ø March 2007: "Abelian vortices and junctions in the large magnetic ux limit," at mini workshop on Supersymmetry, Supergravity, Superstrings, Universit_a di Pisa, Italy.
Ø July 2006: "Technicolor models in higher dimensional representations," at Strong Interactions Work Shop at The Niels Bohr Summer Institute at The Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ø May 2006: "Technicolor models in higher dimensional representations," at LNF Spring School, Frascati, Italy.
Ø December 2015: SINAP-CUSTIPEN Workshop on Clusters and Correlations in Nuclei, Nuclear Reactions and Neutron Stars, SINAP, Shanghai, China.
Ø August 2014: Holographic Methods and Applications, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Ø November 2013: 29th Nordic Network Meeting on \Strings, Fields and Branes," Nordita, Sweden.
Ø September 2012: Forty Years of Black Hole Thermodynamics, Institute of Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Ø March 2012: Integrability and Gauge/String Theory, Institute of Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Ø December-January 2011-2012: 29th Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics, Current Trends in Particle Physics and Cosmology, Institute of Advances Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Ø August 2011: Theoretical physics to face the challenge of LHC, Ecole de Physique des Houches, Les Houches summer school, France.
Ø June 2010: Workshop on Solitons and QCD, RIKEN, Japan.
Ø July 2009: Large N@swansea, Swansea University, Wales, UK.
Ø June 2009: Strings 2009, Rome, Italy.
Ø June 2008: Theories of fundamental interactions TFI 2008, (INFN meeting), Frascati, Italy.
Ø September 2007: Gauge Fields and Strings at Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University, UK.
Ø June-August 2004: Summer School at CERN; student in the RICH group under the LHCb experiment, CERN, Switzerland.