主 讲 人:焦雨领
单 位:武汉大学
时 间:10月27日8:30
腾 讯 ID:612 925 381
密 码:123456
摘 要:
机器学习是以数据为研究对象,通过构建数学模型并运用统计与优化等方法,由计算机实现对数据中蕴含内在规律进行挖掘、分析、预测与决策的一门学科。美国三院院士Michael Jordan和机器学习大师Tom Mitchell认为:机器学习是人工智能的核心。本短期课程我们特别邀请了武汉大学焦雨领教授以机器学习为主题做系列性报告,从统计学、运筹优化等角度由简到繁、由易到难,逐层深入讲解。
简 介:
Yuling Jiao is currently an associate professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics of Wuhan University. His research focus on machine learning and scientific computing. Recently, he is interest in on mathematics on data science (especially on mathematics on deep learning) including theory on deep PDE’s solvers and theory and algorithms for deep generative models, reinforcement learning, theory for deep estimation, deep representation learning and designing and analyzing sampling algorithms.