报告题目:Global attractor for a strongly damped wave equation with fully supercritical nonlinearities
摘要:The paper investigates the existence of global attractor for a strongly damped wave equation with fully supercritical nonlinearities: $ u_{tt}-\Delta u- \Delta u_t+h(u_t)+g(u)=f(x)$. In the case when the nonlinearities $h(u_t)$ and $g(u)$ are of fully supercritical growth, which leads to that the weak solutions of the equation lose their uniqueness, by introducing the notion of limit solutions and using the theory on the attractor of the generalized semiflow, we establish the existence of global attractor for the subclass of limit solutions of the equation in natural energy space in the sense of strong topology.
杨志坚教授,男,博士生导师。研究方向:非线性发展方程、无穷维动力系统。主要研究出自物理、力学和量子力学中的非线性发展方程及所对应的无穷维动力系统的长时间行为。在国际数学期刊J. DifferentialEquations、J. Math. Physics、Math. Meth. In Appl. Sci等杂志上发表论文53篇。主持国家自然科学基金2项,负责完成河南省自然科学基金项目5项。负责完成的项目“流体力学与粘弹性力学中的非线性模型方程”获得2000年河南省科技进步奖二等奖。项目“非线性高阶发展方程--物理与力学中的若干模型方程”获得1997年化学工业部科技进步奖三等奖。